Monday, July 27, 2009

Producing the Play.

Basic Facts
Production Organization:Originally produced by The National Theatre of Great Britian
Theatre: Booth Theatre
City/State: New York, New York.
Month/Year:Apr 10, 2005-Sep 18, 2005
Director: John Crowley
Desginers: Scenic Design by Scott Pask; Costume Design by Scott Pask; Lighting Design by Brian MacDevitt; Sound Design by Paul Arditti
Review Capsule:
As Tupolski, Jeff Goldblum gives what may be the erformance of his career, squeezing every ounce of humor out of the horror, and vice versa. John Simon; New York Theatre

The relationship between Katurian and his brother, the childlike Michal, is mostly rooted in a more amiable storytelling, as befits a fraternal relationship in which one sibling assumes the parental role.
Basic Facts
Theatre :Cottesloe Theatre
Director:John Crowley
Designers:Designer:Scott Pask Lighting Designer: Hugh Vanstone Music:Paddy Cunneen, Fight Director:Terry King, Sound Designer:Paul Arditti
City,State: Greater London, England
Month,Year:Open 14 November 2003/Ended-17 April 2004
Review Capsules:
The great Jim Broadbent plays cruel, corrupt detective Tupolski in a totalitarian state. He provided moments of humour in the darkest stage production I have seen.
Daily Mirror, Kevin O’Sullivan, 14.11.03

McDonagh’s invention of a new comedy-horror genre and his virtuoso technical skill leaves most playwrights gasping. He can whip up character in seconds, thrill with lashings of violence and twist a plot and an audience round his little finger. He’s like a dazzling theatrical conjuror spinning out misanthropic versions of Tales of the Unexpected minus the whirligig theme tune and for those with strong stomachs it’s horribly watchable.
Independent Sunday, David Benedict, 23.11.03
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Facts
Theatre:Sue Benner Theatre
Production Organization:23rd Productions
Director:Michelle Miall
Designers:Stage Design by Amanda Karo Lighting Design by Jason Glenwright Sound Composition by Chris Perren
City,State: Brisbane, Australia
Month,Year:18 March to 4 April 2009
Review Capsules:
The Pillowman is a challenging play with the most extraordinary blend of pathos and comedy. And with the recent debate over the Bill Henson case, it is also very timely in its themes, such as ‘Just what is the responsibility of the artist?’
Basic Facts:
Theatre:Hyde Park Theatre
Director:Ken Webster
City,State: Austin Texas
Month Year: June-July 2007
Review Capsules:
But over the course of the play, we observe a man who puts his fiction above all else, including human life. Few plays can make one actually gasp out loud in astonishment. McDonagh's work manages it every time. BY HANNAH KENAH

Playing Katurian's mentally challenged brother, Michal, Pickell is simple without being dull, and doesn't fall back on caricature to bring life to Michal. From his velcro-enclosed shoes to the rumpled red sweater that he constantly tugs and frets over, Pickell physically embodies his character effortlessly.By Jooley Ann in on June 12, 2007
Basic Facts:
Theatre:Heldt/Hall Theater
Director:Jonathan Taylor , Christina Vela
Designers:Set Designer(s): Bryan Wofford Lighting Designer(s): Laura McMeley Costume Designer(s): Tina Parker Sound Designer(s): Heath Gage
Month Year:09/12/08 - 10/11/08
City State:Dallas Texas
Review Capsules:
“Energizing . . . a blindingly bright black comedy.”– The New York Times

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