Friday, July 24, 2009

Russia of Play Micro

the largest city of Russia. It is also the largest metropolitan area in Europe, and ranks among the largest urban areas in the world. Moscow is a major political, economic, cultural, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia and the world, a global city. It is also the seventh largest city proper in the world, a megacity.

Statement: This can be a great soruce for designers when they want to look at designing a set.

Russia is a vast nation and hence, the kind of clothing that one would notice in the dedicated stores of Moscow would naturally be quite different to that found in Siberia. Leather is a fetish in Russia. Lined with fur, the look has become synonymous with Russian clothing. In general, traditional Russian men like to flaunt leather a lot. In fact, till today, no matter what the time of the year is, a leather jacket is a cool thing to have! Russian women wear dresses or long skirts and blouses and love to flaunt high heels.

Statement: Costumers would find this helpful when designing their costumes for the actors.

Moscow News paper-
Through the years, MN always stood up for what it believed in. Many an editor-in-chief at MN has been an ambitious, intelligent person with one goal - to form a strong bond between the reader and newspaper by keeping them abreast of prominent events, without being forced to close shop by the Communist Party. It did not always succeed. In 1949 it was shut down after its editor-in-chief, Mikhail Borodin, was arrested and shot as an "enemy of the people."
Statement: Gives more explinations on how tight the media was and how careful one had to people with their ideas.

Writers in Moscow-

In Russia he was revered both as a writer and as a representative of the generation known as the Shestidesyatniki, the 1960s idealists who sought to break free of the brutality and lies of Stalin’s rule during the brief thaw under Nikita S. Khrushchev.Mr. Aksyonov was forced to leave Russia with his family after “The Burn” was published in Italy in 1980.Mr. Aksyonov initially managed to navigate within the Soviet system as a writer, but he began agitating censors with his participation in Metropol, the literary journal he started with other writers, which bypassed censors and was published in the United States. His novels “The Burn” and “Island of Crimea” were increasingly phantasmagoric and outspoken in their dissidence. For all the torment of his background, Mr. Aksyonov, as a prose stylist, was at the opposite pole from Mr. Solzhenitsyn, becoming a symbol of youthful promise and embracing fashion and jazz rather than dwelling on the miseries of the gulag. Ultimately, however, he shared Mr. Solzhenitsyn’s fate of exile from the Soviet Union.

Statement:Writers were not treated well therefor they had to be careful cause they could end up exiled or dead.

Mentally Ill schools in Russia-

in the Soviet Union, the impact of the Moscow school under Professor Snezhnevsky has ... mental illness was an important area of concern for 19th century Russian psychiatrists*%3AIE-SearchBox&rlz=1I7GGLD_en&q=Mentally+Ill+schools+in+Moscow+1950

Statment: Some people did have a concern for the mentally ill in Russia

Jew Treatment-

Jews played an important part of the Soviet military effort. Their role in the front lines was disproportionately higher then other national groups. While much of Soviet Jewry was decimated in the Holocaust, those living in Russia proper were mostly spared. After World War II was concluded, however, the attempts to suppress Soviet Jewry were resumed. Until Stalin’s death in 1953, Soviet Jews were placed in the gulag and were faced with significant physical oppression. In 1952, Stalin had a number of leading Russian Jewish intellectuals murdered in the “Night of the Murdered Poets.”
Even after Stalin’s death, the attempt to suppress Judaism and Jewish culture continued. Jewish books and religious articles had to be smuggled into the country and attempts to study the books and utilize the religious articles had to be clandestine. The covert nature restricted access to Jewish life to only a few individuals. The few Jews who continued participation in Jewish life were called refusniks, and were severely punished by the Soviet authorities. By 1965, only about 60 synagogues remained in all of Russia. It was not until Mikhail Gorbachev came to power and his policy of glasnost that restrictions on Soviet Jewry lessened.

Statement:People had mixed fills about the jews in Russia.

Children in Russia-

Russia was for the most part very child friendly. Lots of books were published for Russian children and there were lots of programed to help find Russian kids homes and protection although not all kids had it good. Many aspects of children's lives in Russia have been greatly affected by the overwhelming poverty. Stricken with devastating poverty, many Russian parents abandoned their children, resulting in close to two million orphans. In the most recent years, the social status of children is defined directly by the status of orphans. The lifestyle of Russian children is barely affected by the country's diversity, because the economy is the main determinant of children's status in Russia.

Statement: This would explain the reasoning for Ariels extream hatred for Katurian at the begining for the play.

Police in Moscow-
“By rounding up, detaining and beating citizens who had taken to the streets to express their
views about the current state of affairs in the country, Russian authorities acted in open
violation of international human rights standards and demonstrated contempt for democratic
Statement: Police still hold ridculas amounts of power and can get away with what the want to.

Executions in Moscow-

According to a decision of the Ministry, the papers were forbidden a few months ago to publish in full the crimes for which the death sentences were pronounced, and a short time ago the Moscow Courts Martial stopped communicating even the numbers of the executions which took place. The executions are carried out in great secrecy at night, and in May last it was learned that fifteen executions had taken place at Moscow, of which no information had been supplied to the papers.

Statement: Executions where done widly around and all done in secret therefore no one would really know the way Katurian and Micheal died. Could also help the light designer do lights for that final moment.

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